Russia Stadium Build & Technology Summit - is one of the main international events in the field of stadium construction and technical support. The organizer of the summit is company LNOPPEN. On the 11th of April (2013) this event took place in Moscow.

Joint Work Studio made a PR-campaign for the summit:

1. Translation and adaptation of informational materials about the summit from English into Russian.
We translated presentation about the summit, press-release, informational lists for attendees and another materials, that were needed for writing press- and post-release for Russian mass media.

2. PR-publications in mass media.
We wrote press- and post-release about the summit^ made more then 40 publications in mass media( including magazine «Sport Facilities», website «Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.», newspaper «Square», website «» etc.).

3. Searching and attracting media-partners among Russian mass media (informational agencies, media about constructions, sports and real estate).
We collaborate with 10 partners, including magazine «Sport Facilities», website, magazine «Business Excellence» etc.

4. Inviting of journalists to the summit.
We invited more than 600 journalists from 200 issues. There were 15 representatives of different thematic issues at the summit.

5. Organization of interviews with the attendees of the summit.
We made 5 interviews with the attendees and organizers of this event. Also we provided the service of the interpreter to foreign guests.